Healing by Design

In “Healing by Design”, Dr. Scott Hansen presents a captivating and insightful exploration of the profound connection between our physical health and the intricate design of our bodies. With a holistic approach grounded in both scientific research and spiritual wisdom, Hansen empowers readers to take control of their well-being and embrace a life of vibrant health. This transformative book is a powerful resource that provides practical guidance, inspirational anecdotes, and a comprehensive understanding of the healing potential within each of us.

Drawing from his expertise as a medical doctor and his deep faith, Hansen illuminates the significance of the body’s design and how it interacts with our lifestyle choices. One of the notable strengths of the book is the seamless integration of scriptural references, historical examples, and scientific evidence to support his arguments. Through these diverse sources, Hansen paints a compelling picture of the body as a sacred vessel entrusted to us by a higher power.

Hansen explores the impact of nutrition on our overall well-being, emphasizing the importance of consuming whole, unprocessed foods. He highlights the healing properties of various fruits, vegetables, and herbs, providing readers with a comprehensive list of foods to consider incorporating into their diets. The inclusion of specific quotes from ancient texts, such as Hippocrates’ famous statement, “Let food be thy medicine,” further reinforces the wisdom of prioritizing natural, nutrient-dense foods for optimal health.

Moreover, the author delves into the detrimental effects of processed foods and harmful additives, cautioning readers about their potential harm to the body’s intricate systems. He provides examples of specific ingredients and artificial substances that should be avoided, offering practical advice for making informed choices at the grocery store and in our daily meal planning. Hansen’s emphasis on the power of food to either promote or hinder healing resonates deeply, reminding readers of the importance of mindful eating.

Throughout the book, Hansen references historical examples to illustrate the efficacy of natural healing methods. From ancient civilizations to modern-day success stories, he showcases individuals who have embraced holistic approaches to health and reaped remarkable benefits. These anecdotes inspire hope and demonstrate the transformative potential of aligning with the body’s design and nurturing it with intention.

One such example is that of Dr. Max Gerson. The story of Dr. Max Gerson is one of groundbreaking innovation in the field of holistic health. Dr. Gerson developed a successful approach to treating chronic illness through nutrition and detoxification protocols. His method, known as the Gerson Therapy, emphasizes the power of plant-based foods and natural detoxification processes to support the body’s innate healing abilities.

Dr. Gerson’s journey began in the early 20th century, when he observed that certain dietary changes had a profound impact on his patients’ health. He believed that chronic diseases, such as cancer, could be treated by addressing the root causes and providing the body with the necessary nutrients for healing.

The Gerson Therapy involves a strict regimen of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, primarily consumed in the form of juices and raw foods. These nutrient-dense foods provide the body with essential vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, supporting the immune system and restoring balance.

In addition to dietary changes, Dr. Gerson emphasized the importance of detoxification to eliminate toxins from the body. Coffee enemas were a key component of his therapy, aiding in liver detoxification and promoting the excretion of waste products.

Dr. Gerson’s approach was met with skepticism from the medical establishment, but he persisted in his research and treated numerous patients with remarkable results. His work attracted attention and inspired hope in those who had been given little to no options for healing.

Today, the Gerson Therapy continues to be used as an alternative approach to treating chronic illnesses, particularly cancer. While its effectiveness is still a subject of debate, many individuals have reported improvements in their health and quality of life following the principles of this therapy.

The story of Dr. Max Gerson serves as a testament to the potential of natural healing methods and the importance of addressing the underlying causes of illness. His innovative approach, centered on nutrition and detoxification, has left a lasting impact on the field of holistic health and continues to inspire individuals seeking alternative paths to healing.

Another example is that of ancient healing traditions such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, which have long recognized the intricate connection between the body, mind, and spirit in achieving optimal health and well-being.

Ayurveda, originating in India over 5,000 years ago, is a holistic system that emphasizes balance and harmony. It views the body as a microcosm of the universe and believes that imbalances in the body’s energies, known as doshas, lead to illness. Ayurvedic treatments aim to restore balance through lifestyle modifications, herbal remedies, diet, meditation, and yoga. This comprehensive approach acknowledges that physical health is deeply intertwined with mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), with roots dating back over 2,500 years, similarly recognizes the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. TCM views the body as an energy system in which the flow of Qi (pronounced “chee”) is essential for maintaining health. Acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary therapy, and practices such as tai chi and qigong are employed to restore balance, unblock energy pathways, and promote holistic healing.

Both Ayurveda and TCM place a strong emphasis on prevention and maintaining overall wellness. They recognize that imbalances and diseases often manifest as symptoms in the physical body but are rooted in deeper underlying imbalances on an energetic and emotional level. By addressing these root causes and rebalancing the body, mind, and spirit, these healing traditions aim to promote long-term health and vitality.

The healing traditions of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine have withstood the test of time and continue to be practiced and respected worldwide. Their holistic approach to health recognizes that true healing involves addressing the whole person and restoring harmony within oneself and with the surrounding environment. By nurturing the body, calming the mind, and nourishing the spirit, these ancient traditions provide valuable insights and practices for achieving balance, vitality, and overall well-being.

While grounded in scientific principles and medical expertise, “Healing by Design” transcends the purely physical realm and delves into the spiritual dimension of healing. Hansen adeptly weaves in scriptural references, encouraging readers to seek divine guidance in their quest for well-being. By integrating faith into the healing journey, he offers a unique perspective that fosters a deeper connection between mind, body, and spirit.

“Healing by Design” is an exceptional book that combines scientific knowledge, spiritual wisdom, and historical examples to guide readers towards optimal health and wholeness. Dr. Scott Hansen’s expertise as a medical doctor, his faith-centered approach, and his emphasis on the body’s intricate design make this book a valuable resource for those seeking to enhance their well-being. With practical advice, thought-provoking quotes, and examples from history, Hansen inspires readers to embrace a holistic lifestyle and unlock the healing potential within themselves.


  • “Our bodies are not random collections of cells, but rather masterpieces of design and engineering, intricately woven with purpose and intention.”
  • “Food choices are not simply about satisfying hunger; they are opportunities to nourish and heal our bodies, to restore balance and vitality.”

Examples of Foods to Consider:

  • Dark leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, packed with essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Berries, abundant in antioxidants and natural compounds that support cellular health.
  • Turmeric, a potent anti-inflammatory spice that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine.

Foods to Avoid:

  • Highly processed foods containing artificial additives, preservatives, and excessive sugar.
  • Trans fats and hydrogenated oils, commonly found in fried and processed snacks.

Scripture References:

  • “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you?” (1 Corinthians 6:19)
  • “He gives food to every creature. His love endures forever.” (Psalm 136:25)

Overall Rating: 4.5/5 stars

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