• Vassar: My Detroit

    Vassar: My Detroit

    Pastor Barry Randolph is a transformational leader. He has taken a church that was on the verge of closing its doors and made it into a vital community enterprise that…

  • All Beings Confluence

    All Beings Confluence

    All Beings Confluence is a community-based, interactive project that was directly inspired by Carolyn McDade, a composer, social activist and environmentalist whose music has sustained and nourished many over the…

  • C2BE: Church of the Messiah

    C2BE: Church of the Messiah

    C2BE and Church of the Messiah have a long history of working together, with the aim of serving adult and youth neighborhood residents who are involved in cooperative and community-based business…

  • No, I’m Santa Claus

    Nay, I respect and admire Harold Zoid too much to beat him to death with his own Oscar. Oh right. I forgot about the battle. I had more, but you…

  • Cause explosive decompression

    Goodbye, cruel world. Goodbye, cruel lamp, lined with what would appear to be some sort of cruel muslin and the cute little pom-pom curtain pull cords. Cruel though they may…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

  • Infographics using easel.ly

    Infographics using easel.ly

    You’ve seen and heard of infographics; now is the time to create one yourself! An infographic takes a large amount of information in text or numerical form and condenses it…

  • Weebly – Create a FREE website

    Scenario 1: You’re an avid gardener/quilter/cake decorator/craftsperson and want to share what you’ve done with others. A website is a great way to do this.

  • Epsilen ePortfolios

    Epsilen ePortfolios

    In recent years, electronic portfolios have gone from being just a good idea to an essential tool for college students and job seekers. In an effort to introduce our students…

  • Rules in Microsoft Outlook

    Rules in Microsoft Outlook

    A rule is an action that is done automatically to incoming or outgoing messages, based on conditions that have been specified. It can be created from a template, from a…

  • Categories in Outlook

    Categories in Outlook

    Color adds visibility to your desktop Outlook items. Color categories can be assigned to email messages in Microsoft Outlook, which enables you to quickly identify them and associate them with…

  • Online Collaborative Study and Support

    Online Collaborative Study and Support

    It is widely understood that students benefit from the collaborative wisdom of their instructors and classmates. A number of free online resources have expanded this notion into different ways to…