Summer Retrogrades

I was reading the following article, and realized I hadn’t acknowledged the clear signs of chaos happening around me. For those who don’t know much about or believe in astrology, I want to hip you to a few things of interest.

When planets are in retrograde, it refers to an apparent backward motion of a planet in its orbit as observed from Earth. While planets don’t actually move backward, this phenomenon occurs due to the varying speeds of Earth and the planets in their orbits around the Sun. It’s important to note that retrograde motion is an optical illusion caused by this relative motion.

In astrology, the concept of planets in retrograde has taken on additional meaning. Astrologers believe that the energy associated with a planet’s influence becomes more introspective and internalized during its retrograde phase. This can affect different aspects of life depending on which planet is in retrograde. Here’s a general overview:

  1. Mercury Retrograde: Mercury is the planet of communication and technology. During its retrograde phase, misunderstandings, communication glitches, travel disruptions, and technical issues are believed to be more common. It’s often advised to be cautious with important decisions and communications during this time.
  2. Venus Retrograde: Venus is associated with love, relationships, and finances. Its retrograde phase might bring up unresolved issues in relationships or prompt a reevaluation of personal values and financial matters. It can be a time for reflection and healing.
  3. Mars Retrograde: Mars is linked to energy, action, and drive. Its retrograde phase may lead to a decrease in motivation, and progress might slow down. It’s a time to reconsider goals and strategies before taking new actions.
  4. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto Retrogrades: These slower-moving planets’ retrogrades are generally less noticeable in daily life, but they can have a broader influence on societal and collective matters. Jupiter’s retrograde might prompt a review of personal growth and expansion, while Saturn’s could lead to self-assessment of responsibilities and goals.

It’s important to remember that astrology is a belief system and interpretations can vary. Some people find value in considering the effects of retrograde periods as a way to reflect, reassess, and make adjustments in various areas of their lives. Others view retrogrades as purely celestial events with no direct impact on human experiences.

What do you believe?

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