We’re looking for YOU!!!

Lessons on Life (LOL), a podcast about self-expression, blackness — and will feature rants, interviews, Q&A’s, foul language, and plenty of pop culture references, and for that, we need some guests.

How The Show Works

Lessons on Life (LOL) is a DOCU·COME·DALITY (which stands for equal parts documentary, comedy, and reality) series — broken up into three parts. The first is rooted in reality — what’s trending and of importance in the grand scheme of things. During this phase, the host and guests discuss the chosen topics based on news events. Usually, this will take more of an open discussion format with the host presenting the story and asking questions of the guest(s) for the benefit of the listeners. Once the knowledge base is created, the show moves on to the next phase, the documentary.

This part is much more abstract. The goal of the documentary portion is to take the topic at hand, and discuss its parallels in our lives — either to find a new creative way to improve it and/or broaden that to improve the world as a whole. Sometimes this will be a frivolous topic, but other times it’s quite serious, it just depends on the topic at hand. In the past, the topics have included things like health and healing in the black community, preventing sexual assault, and parenting in the modern age.

The last part is pure comedy. The goal is to bring levity to the airwaves and end on a positive note. With varying topics, questions, and even games — this part of the show intends to round out the experience for a fully entertaining show. Games like Never Have I Ever, 21 Questions (abbreviated), and Cards Against Humanity have been used. While not excessive, some foul language has been shared but not gratuitously. It’s all in good fun and we encourage you to be your authentic self.

While we would love for you to check out an episode or two, we are changing the format, so it will be different than previously published episodes.

What We Ask Of You As A Guest

  1. Come ready to discuss your favorite things, and educate us on a few of the ins-and-outs.
  2. Have an open mind to create unique, original, and exciting new content.
  3. Be ready to have some fun.

If you’ve made it this far, and you’re interested in becoming a guest, please click here.

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