Soul Food Social Summary Stores are trying to homogenize us and make us all the same so we can't fight back, but people have different preferences and will always find a way to fight back. America is racist and the food isn't that great, but I want to see the world anyways Integration is why quiffs exist: Therapy is important, but you have to be careful who you go to.: You don't have to be a "dumb hole" to have kinky sex, but it's a good idea to have a clear agreement about what is and is not allowed before getting started.: Apps should have limited the number of people you could interact with to avoid wasting time, or be forced to meet people in person. Make sure your friends are females and you won't have any problems.: You should get life insurance, get a credit card, and get a credit union. Some questions in the Bible don't have answers but they act as tools of inspiration to figure out the answers.: Laquanda is from Detroit and she lives in Detroit her entire life. She's speaking at what appears to be the first person's name, Jesus. Hey, I'm Gisha. How are you? Laquana sounds like this. Hi, I'm Lewanda. How are you? It's all a blur to me. I just can't get into the audiobook because the- Straight people are biased towards people that present as the opposite sex and that is limited to bisexuals. Both sexes hand would be all sexes. The word 'pansexual' is used loosely and can be used to describe something as different as wanting to fuck all the time.: Julie shares her thoughts on the book "The Bible" and how it can be a useful tool for personal growth, but cautions that there are missing books and certain sections may not be accurate.: Carrie has a weird encounter with her boss Miranda in the phonefucking kitchen, and she's hurt because she thinks they're making out. Carrie goes to the bathroom and sees them and then, later, when she needs to use the bathroom again, she walks in on them making out. - There is a trade off for both generations when it comes to interacting with others. For people who have never interacted with people using technology, it can be a challenge to engage in conversations because you have to pay attention to what they are saying and how they are saying it, which can be a distraction from the conversation. Whereas for people who have used technology all their lives, interacting with people on applications can be easy and free, but it comes with the challenge of not being able to be who you are in person and having to present yourself in a certain way. Transcription U1 0:01 This is soul food social where we get soul food and get soul shows. 3s What do you hold and train me? Can we talk about it? Can we talk about it? Yeah. You know, Robert, we had this whole discussion that one time he was at the end, and I'm glad you're here. I want you to hear this as well. And I'm glad America is here to hear this, period, and we're here back can just bang like he never left. U2 0:28 Okay. 11s I definitely think it should be stipulation. 2s Maybe like U3 0:44 a cap to U1 0:47 what do you mean? We say cap. U3 0:50 That's how we talk U1 0:51 about U3 0:53 it's. So broad. It's easy to pick and choose what we U2 0:56 want. I feel like it should be, like after the last maybe ten for the month. Ten U3 1:04 what? Ten people you can pick for the month. Try to give them, like, instead U1 1:11 of, like, swiping people. Instead of, U3 1:13 like, swipe. But you only have you can only go to ten a month and try to get to know like U2 1:19 there should be an app that forces you to get to know people. Yeah, U1 1:22 because do you understand what I mean when I say U2 1:24 that? U1 1:26 Because if the app forces you to get to know them and you can't swipe them U3 1:30 easily, but it kind of does you talk to them to meet up with them. But I think it needs to be more stipulation so they let it be a catch each U2 1:38 month. But would you really use an app that put limitations on how many people you could talk to? What if the ten people you got were trash and you knew that right away? 1s Because think of apps now you are exposed to all of these people. Right now. You might be limited in the number of features you have access to so you can't 1s refine your search to specifically what it is you're interested in. You really have to just look at everybody. Do you have more options looking at everybody and being able to pick or if the app chose the app only lets you interact with a certain number of people. U1 2:14 Maybe what Naomi would think about we get a cat with U2 2:19 ten people, but U1 2:22 they show you everybody. But you can only pick ten U3 2:24 for a month. So even if you put a swipe, the swipe, it shouldn't necessarily mean yes or no. Yeah. U2 2:30 What would it mean? It was U1 2:31 me. 6s But then you could swipe and then other features. I thought they should be able to put other features to be, like a like or dislike, but still be able to swipe through to maybe go back or even if you say, I guess you can undo it. 2s And U3 2:52 other apps that make you pay for that, undo U1 2:55 what's it done, because you could just on that U2 2:59 outside of the quantity of people, couldn't you do that with what you have now? Like, would you really want an app to dictate that, whether how long you did or didn't speak to somebody? Because, like, right now, you could just choose to, I'm going to give this person a chance. I'm going to give this person ten days to see what they're talking about and then whatever. As opposed to an app telling you after you've made your selection, you're stuck with this person for a month. So that even means you tap out early on with these ten people, and you got to wait 25 days until you can get another ten people with that. Do you like it where the user has more control right now? Despite how trash it is, the user has more control. Would you like it if the app developer took the control from you and made you stick with these people for a period of time? I think U1 3:45 if they made it where we could have control, but also they put their own input, like, hey, here's a few guys from here's a few guys from the east side. U2 4:00 But isn't that the U1 4:02 hinges? It gives you the light, but then also give you the rose. And don't you hate when the roses, the guys with the roses be like, these be some supermodel as niggas. Like, 2s and then these be I don't know what that's for U3 4:18 extra like, but 2s it looks like the rose area. They look like hall of Fame niggas. You have to be almost like making six figures in order to date these niggas. And then it'd be like, U1 4:38 I don't want it to force me to like people. I just want it to definitely get me. 4s I'm going to go in a different direction and say the science behind things like Match and other stuff like that has proved to work. But who wants to pay for that kind of science? But what if there were actual questions that you had to provide real answers to? So, like, to your point about the app control, most of these apps don't make you answer the questions honestly. You could lie about your age. You could lie about your height. You could lie about your weight if there was some way that the actual profile was real information about you, who you really are as a person. So somebody who is actually into whatever you are can connect with you, not this person you're pretending to be. And then they find out that you're something else, but actual questions that you have to answer. And based on those answers, it actually matches you with people who have similar interests. So it's not even about you. U2 5:45 Finding people that you like, but you're going to be matched with people based on what you provide. So you either have to update your profile if you keep getting matched with sorry ass people, you update your profile or figure out if these people who on site and sound might not seem like what you're into might actually be what you're into. You got match with them for a reason, U1 6:05 right? 2s You're was more like a facial government. 1s No, thank you. U2 6:17 You put your Social Security number in? 3s My Social Security number has nothing to do with what I'm interested in. Yes, it won't tell you nothing about what I'm interested U3 6:29 in. Trying to tie in from my credit score, my face. I met my U2 6:32 credit score. U1 6:34 Who do they can help you match someone who can help you business because U2 6:39 they won't match you with that's not what I'm on an app for. I know where credit counselors are. That's not what I got on here for U3 6:46 be honest. They will not match you with somebody with better credit. They will match you at your class. U2 6:51 Yeah. So it's three 2326 is working together. U1 6:55 Yeah. No, it's. 4s That sounds U2 7:04 I mean, personally, I just said I was going to not use the apps so much and to go out more U1 7:14 and find someone U3 7:17 social event, U2 7:18 you can go do that, but U1 7:21 doesn't mean you're going to find U3 7:22 someone. But it's not going to be like the first event. And yes, U2 7:27 it could be if it's intentional. But you do have to go out and walk up to people. You can't just stare at people and be like no, you have to actually walk up to them and start a conversation. Because the trade off is, yes, you can use an app. Yes, that app is free. Yes, it's geo location, so you can be anywhere and find somebody on it. And you can find somebody that you like and you can make something happen on the app, but it's free. The challenge is going out. You have to pay, you have to dress up, you have to present, 2s even though that's what we started at. Do you want to go back to that? And then if you've never done that, if you've only been on applications, that you have to 2s it's a trade off for both generations. How do people who have not had to do this interact with people whose technology is all they know and how do people who technology is all they know interact with people who have the duplicity of knowing both worlds? Like, I know how to have a conversation, but I can also get on this app. 1s I feel bad for people who can't have conversations. 3s Not what's wrong with you, but what change. U3 8:39 I think it's brought U2 8:40 up. U3 8:48 My kids don't have to speak to who doesn't want to 1s sense like if they feel uncomfortable. But at the same time, you still need to know how to respect hey, how are you doing? Nice to meet you. Business. I've always been talked U1 9:01 about that just made me think of the U2 9:05 times we were all at that Jetto cart and we were sitting on the swing and I'm just saying the reason why we were looking at those kids crazy is because they were looking at our car crazy. So we all stared. Hi, America. We had an incident with a fat child. U3 9:24 You understand? Like, they have no respects to sit there and be looking at us like we've heard and then when we were looking at them, they're like, why are you looking at us? Like, I U2 9:32 didn't remember that. 4s I don't even remember them speaking to us until when they came and stood near us, we were on the swings and they were on whatever that other thing was. First U1 9:45 stop, 1s we stared at them. They looked back at us U3 9:51 because you all got out of the car before I did. I was like, the last one to get out of the car. U2 9:59 We were like, by the swing. U3 10:02 I think I was too busy laughing and chill. U2 10:04 And I know I was probably 1s incapacitated. U1 10:12 I remember that i. 49s I want to let you know that our studio is very nice. Got a green screen. He don't care. U2 11:08 Well, I didn't start with an intro because they're just building pieces. You all were ready to talk. Because I turned recording. It doesn't have to be recorded in order. You can put stuff wherever you want to. Okay, so I just have to cut this part out. U1 11:21 They'll U2 11:23 okay. Get into it. I'm U1 11:26 all in your illine U2 11:33 dating. 2s I think I told you all about the book Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari and Eric Kleinnberg, and it talks about that, how technology has ruined us and how there's an algorithm and 1s a formula for all of this. And I think. 1s I like math and all that, but I don't think it has anything to do with who it is I like and what we do. So the fact that we have to get used to all of these algorithms, not just in social settings, on regular social apps, but on the dating apps, too. You have to have the right picture. You have to pose with the right stuff. You have to say the right words, and then it removes the uniqueness of all of the people. So you don't actually get to meet that person, and you get to meet, I don't know, their Android self, which is a strange that's not U1 12:20 everybody seeing the exact same online U2 12:22 real? Yes, 2s that's what they've seen work. So everybody's trying to replicate what they've seen work. U3 12:31 It does. It when you meet them at Christmas, U1 12:34 like robot. What's the picture that you see? What types of pictures do you see when you're on the app? You see that picture? You're 1s for me, when they be having to stack the money like a phone. I'd be like, U3 12:51 anything with money in their hands. If they're like pictures and everything else or like U1 13:02 group pictures are okay. U2 13:04 Blue pictures of mine. I fucking hate them 1s because I don't know which one you are. I've never met you before. You got your mama on this app. U3 13:15 Why do you think you would have your family members than your voice? Because now it's like, Daddy. 5s I don't want to think like that. That's why U1 13:28 it's always a two U2 13:29 different 2s being a less cuter friend. But I need to know, what do you do it'd be different. I do mind 6s if you knew you needed to have all these people in the picture to help you look up approachable, you need to find a social media app or a dating app that does not require pictures. This is voice only or I don't know. 4s The reason why I like it is because it lets me know if your voice is a catfish. Because I kid you. Okay. Hey, baby. How are you doing? U3 14:07 You okay, sweet thing? Good morning. 2s Good morning. A queen. I cannot be the very white in this relationship. U2 14:18 I think that's the direction we're moving into because I'll make it longer. Five years ago, 1s much love to the LGBTQ plus community. But five years ago, trans but not the business. People were trying to murder them. It was not all lovey dovey. And here we are, men who. 2s Led you to believe they were the most masculine have now decided they want to be trans. And that could easily be their thing. It really could. But everything has become a trend now and it's a joke. And I don't see how everybody is just okay with it. I know people who have been every letter of the alphabet, every single letter of the alphabet and they play the game. They're straight, then they're by, then they're gay, now they're trans. What's next? Baby? Not everybody wants to be paying. Remember when you could just be with you wanted to be what? You didn't have to discuss it. You just did what you wanted to do. If you decided today that this is what you want to do, that was a conversation between two people. Now we got soap boxes and everybody's just standing up doing press releases. Hey y'all, I'm pansexual today and U3 15:15 I want to know what the hell of pansexual. U2 15:17 It doesn't matter what you are because U1 15:20 I want to give a dictionary 1s definition. U2 15:25 They have no limitations to their sexual interest. But U3 15:29 wouldn't that be considered by U2 15:31 no, 1s because it takes into account those who don't consider themselves 2s any sex. Double sexes, intersex, all of that however they want to fuck everybody. U1 15:45 But not necessarily that either. It's just like everybody around U2 15:51 there are no limitations. They don't look at somebody and try to figure out anything. If they if they are sexually attractive to you. Boom. Okay. A straight U1 16:00 person is only looking at people that present as the opposite sex bias for both sexes. Well because that's limited to bisexuals. Both sexes hand would be all sexes. U2 16:11 There are more than two, right? 5s Loosely. Because I've seen the tip tight, and maybe I could be wrong. Maybe she know what she's talking about. But I don't know if you've seen the one they do. U3 16:27 Okay, because I see the guy, he's like the voice for warhol. Okay? And so he was like, what is the loudest thing that you did after, like, the ace? He U2 16:36 was like, I said, Fuck your mom. I fucked his mom. That was what I was thinking about, because when she said it, I'm a U3 16:42 pansexual. I'm like, do you mean maybe bisexual? Or do you mean, like, you don't fuck anything or anyone? 1s I felt like she maybe use it loosely because I instantly thought about I think that was more on to get back with his ex and really just got Louie. U2 16:59 I would say it was her interest, though. But the two points, I don't think she tied them together. Yeah, I fucked this mom and I'm a pansexual. Because at the end of that, she says something like, anybody can get it. Okay, but at this point, what was the craziest thing you did? Fuck his mom. And then to clarify, oh, are you a lesbian? Pansexual. Okay. Two separate points that she made. But U3 17:23 I've also heard other people use that word loosely. 1s I think U2 17:28 the same thing. When the news media in particular started to identify the generations by name, then people started to use the generations by name. If you think back, what nobody calling groups millennials and hating on them for reasons that they hate on them until they were given a reason to hate on them. We learned U1 17:46 that in food. And I think this falls into the same thing. Information is great, but it's so heavy handed. All the shows are talking about gay stuff, and that's great. The representation, that's fine. Really, it is. But it feels so forced. If you were telling a natural story about LGBTQ folks, fine. But when you added in, how was your day? Oh, I had such a pansexual. I don't understand. You didn't have to do that. 1s It just feels so heavy. If that's who you are, that's great, that's fine. But it just feels so heavy. And I just feel bad for older people who this is a brand new world that they're living in. And you can't even watch your soap opera or the news or the weather without being hit with something that doesn't feel like it had anything to do with what we were talking about. When you're talking about dating apps, by all means, every letter of the alphabet, because all those people exist on the apps. But I'm just trying to watch Golden Girls, like, quit hit me in the pussy with all this. It's U3 18:44 I can't understand, like, the whole force thing, especially on TV. 1s It's just that even, like, for a straight person, I'm not out here trying to just be, like, 1s trying to force my sexuality like yes, it is. 2s But not everybody. But yes and no but. 1s I was always taught lady, and she's freaking to bed, so I'm going to keep my sexuality to myself. You're not going to see me out here. U1 19:13 What I wanted to say was, like, U2 19:16 we're always talking about how gay they want to be normal, so they use hetero normal things to feel normal. Like, U1 19:27 I get what people be doing, like the whole little Nazi things if they keep working kids to be gay. I disagree. But I'm saying, like, U2 19:40 gay. That's what I'm saying. 1s Take gays out of a kid story, put them in a movie where adults are supposed to watch, straight U1 19:50 will still feel some type of way about the gay story. Does that make sense even if it wasn't U2 19:54 for well, I would argue to that point that it's just because it is still becoming normalized. But I don't imagine we can harp on the aggressiveness of straight media because it's beyond the point of being normalized. It's been the story for as long as we can remember, and you have to go to specific communities to hear about anything other than that. And I guess my concern can easily be swept under of the rug with the fact that this is just the effort to push non straight stories out into 1s the sphere. And we're just at the period of time where it feels like it's a lot because we're so used to the other things. And don't you go like a little voice. 3s I mean, I do look around when I see it happen in any movie because I'm not crazy. There's a moment in Doctor Strange where you meet America's parents. She has lesbian parents. And I think that that moment is soft. It's not like you see the parents and then they just they have to kiss for no reason, right? U3 21:05 My mother U2 21:05 and that's it. It's simple. We got it. And you understand, like, the strength of gay people exist. Why can't gay people exist in the U1 21:13 world? 1s And it could be sort of the same point that we're making. They could have the inverse of that is when gayness is introduced in media. It's the way that it's done, if it makes sense, because there have been plenty of gay kisses that were on TV and things like that that did not have a negative response. But then there are other things where it's just like, we have to watch them fuck the whole time. That's just a lot for people. I didn't sign up for this. I came to watch a friendly story about something, right? And I met with something that just felt aggressive, like, you overdid that personal example. 1s And just like that, the Sex in the City story continuing. I hated that fucking show. And the Chads storyline with Miranda is probably one of the grossest storylines I've ever heard in my fucking life. So the one scene that I can never get over and it still pisses me off to this day, U2 22:08 is Che and Miranda are over. And I didn't even watch Sex in the City. So I hope I don't sound like a fan at all, because I'm not. I was just watching it because people say, Watch it. But Che, Diaz and Miranda are in. 3s Oh, fuck. What's her name? U1 22:24 Carrie. In U2 22:25 Carrie's kitchen? No, Carrie had a surgery or something done, so she is resting. Miranda said, I will take care of you while you are on bed rest. Shay is Carrie's manager at the station or whatever. She comes over to the apartment for reasons that don't even make any sense. And when she gets there, she sees Miranda and out of nowhere, they have a vibe and they start fingering each other in the phone fucking kitchen. U1 22:49 Okay? U2 22:51 There was nobody there but Carey, but Carrie was in the bed and she needed to get up to go to the bathroom and she couldn't, so she had to get out of bed herself on her own. She was hurting. She get to the doorway and she could see them in the kitchen making out. She's got to go to the bathroom. So she goes to do her thing in the bathroom and she's floored because, bitch, you're in my house. Bit, you're my friend. That you're fucking my boss. And I know this is a storyline, this is not real shit, but to a degree, it's probably based on a real situation somebody has gone through. No, 5s I don't. And I could see straight people sing again, using that as a good reference for people who were interested in the original to see this continuance of the subject matter, thinking, oh, we're going to get this and U1 23:37 to be met. U2 23:39 With people aggressively fingering each other in somebody else's kitchen. 6s Sometimes how gays are depicted immediately. It's like we're just ready U1 23:52 to fuck each other. You know what I mean? U2 23:55 That's the curse of the white gay. Because they are U1 23:59 white gay is very 1s they are very aggressive. Then you have a number of well, not even cliches with stereotypes. Not even stereotypes. These are self fucking real 1s illustrations. I want to say that because you have the aggressive white gay, you have the sexualization of the black male and then all the other things, asians, their 1s obedience, especially to white men, which is so sad. You guys should do better. 1s You have all these things coming to a head. So when a story is told about the rainbow, this is what for easy identification. These are the things they go to. U2 24:37 Yeah, it's terrible, but they try to tell a story without having to do so much exposition to explain the interest. Double Marvel movie with the name of it has instrumental in it. Oh, Eternals. U3 24:50 Eternals. The black guy. U2 24:51 Yes, he was gay. He's gay. And it was cute. They showed the nonsexual side of black gay men. Yes. He was a loving husband. They had children. He was concerned about being at home for his kids and didn't want to be gone too long because of having to uproot their whole lifestyle. And I commend Brian Tyree him U1 25:17 want to show and the Pig a gay like a gay family, a gay unit. It always has to be sexual. You know what I mean? Yes. They're obsessed with gay sex, even though they like to U2 25:25 finish it well, because they don't know anything else, which is also their fault. Like, if you don't allow these stories about the other parts of people's lives to happen, then you won't know exactly what it is they do. Right? So that's why shows like they U1 25:39 assume they know what everybody 1s it's variations to the city, U2 25:44 right? Because compare I don't know if you've seen them, but compare Queers Folk and to Noah's Art. Noah's Art showed you it gave you good archetypes, four different archetypes of a gay male character. Right? You had the host so you would get the sex stories. But not everybody was a ho, right? So you got a chance to see it. But Queers Folk. Everybody was fucking. 2s Literally. U1 26:09 Would it open up? What affects it? 1s A child 2s having sex with an older U2 26:19 Queries Folk. And I just live on it. 10s And considering they got as many seasons as they got, plus the movie and then the Pandemic special, it's just like, okay, that helps to further bring these people. Just keep them moving forward so that it's not it came out. Right. And you got to see that they go through the same stuff, starving badass kids in the background, too, just in case you all hit a shit. We tried. They need a weapon. 1s But it helps to keep the stories in the present so that it's not always, well, that show came out and it's back there, but you bring the story forward. U1 27:03 Right? 1s Wow. U2 27:11 Speaking of alphabet people, it's old, but still relevant. Dave Chappelle with the U1 27:17 transformer. All of it. And I know people have strong feelings, but I haven't heard anybody say anything that makes me feel the same way about the subject material U2 27:29 I was at the show. U1 27:30 How do you feel about that specific joke about trans people? I was not bothered by that joke. For the same point that we were making before about it just being 1s really U2 27:42 not at all. 4s Well, there were a lot of I call them DC Black Gays. And I hope you are offended. That was intentional. What's? U1 27:55 The one little I figured that one day oh, the blue khaki pants and your Penny Lopez. Your brim cat. U2 28:05 I know you. I've seen you. I've met you a thousand times. I'm not a fan. 1s I'm not a fan. I was about to say they spread that was a double on Tandra. Did you get it? They spread their bottom. Shut up. 3s That too House of Virginia. 22s I get a good laugh in I keep U3 28:49 I've definitely been in that world by default because I'm a dancer, so I was not introduced into it. So it's not like I just been around. Bitches. 3s I came and sit up there like you go through the same shit that I go through. I'm emotional. You're just emotional, tomboy. Let's just see you go through the same shit. I got time to deal with choke. U2 29:13 You take your titty down and you're wearing a white feeder. And mine are not. I'm also wearing a white beat it, though, 2s just so you know. U1 29:24 Looking crazy. Plus oh, my gosh. Just looking from the outside in. And I have friends. I have best friends that have bought that life. U3 29:33 No. Just seeing what they go through and how clean your bitches can be. Absolutely U2 29:37 not. U3 29:41 They're so overprotective and they're like, this bitch just the best friend. U2 29:46 Immediately. 3s Immediately. No, I can't immediately. No. It would never U3 29:53 be a thing where I might have had a girl crush, but to the point where I be like U1 30:01 for me to just be like, oh, yeah, I'm not going to do something. No, U2 30:10 you will not, sister. 4s Like, she was real U3 30:18 forceful with that shit. I just was like, Bitch, I'll be your U2 30:21 asshobia. 1s Take this ass, woman like my sister, okay? Take it like my good sister. Because I'm a beach. U3 30:33 It's just like when they come into me directly. I hate when they like the damn girl U2 30:38 bitch 8s away. 5s I'm going the fuck away U3 30:56 because you're about to die. U2 31:07 Go for U3 31:07 it. U2 31:28 They come right back. 8s But now I don't like the aggressiveness. Where is your fucking man? Damn. Even top of that shit. U1 31:46 What do you think it is? Straight man fight. Why do they think impressions I mean, this U3 31:52 is life. They do, U1 31:53 and I like it, too, but I don't want to. U2 31:56 But I think that's the problem, because it does work. It might not work all the time, but they won't know that it doesn't work until they do it. So they do it. It doesn't work with you? Fine. Fuck you, bitch. I didn't want you know it. 5s Fuck you, U1 32:13 bitch. U2 32:16 It works when it U1 32:17 works. I was on the East Side walking and I was actually with your name, hanson. Girl 1s walking down the street and was like the start as, hey, can I have your number? And I said no. I wasn't disrespectful, but I definitely had to put the basement on U3 32:33 16. I look 18. You better be glad, young man. That's out there that I'm is not trying to get your s and jet. You better be glad. But I give U2 32:43 you the direct phone number of the police department, and when you call and asking for me, they will come and pick you up. You're going to check. U1 32:52 If you get a call, they're going U2 32:53 to already know U3 32:55 I said no, and I'm going to try that for not giving out my number. So U1 33:00 it's. U3 33:04 You give growth, aspiration and energy. 2s We have to give out our number and then block them at the end, which is a waste of time. U2 33:14 Thank God for the Google Voice. Ladies, stack up on Google Voice. Get you a phone number that you use for these niggas for your safety. No, it's free. U1 33:24 What are you going to do that? Come on, let me do U2 33:25 it. And you've can give out this. You can say whatever on the Voicemail. It doesn't matter what's your name. Just go to google. Comvoice, get you a phone number in your area code and just keep that thing. And you could always use it if something goes wrong because you can save Voicemails to your email and all that jazz. But get you a Google Voice number and get these niggas and numbers so they don't fucking kill you or hurt you or harm you. They U1 33:50 don't understand rejection. And it's a pride thing. And I get it. Some women do take it over the notch, but hell not bitch. U2 34:01 When you're thinking about where the harm is going to come from, I would much rather give you the thing that you're asking for and then have control over it, but it not be me. So you're going to get this number that I have for this instance. You could call it, you can text it's, I don't have to interact with it. But as far as we're concerned, you asked me for my number, I gave you a number. And I get to live because I don't feel like I should get my ass beat because I told you no. 3s Why would you do that? Because niggas kill bitches. Let's just be honest for the minute. I feel like you guys are in denial. You need to go. You need some break. I'm just saying that right now, like, what can I say? Because you will say the same thing to your daughter. So for the niece that's out here having babies, better yet, little girls out here, you better come with the realization, because that's what happened to your daughter. Yes. U3 34:57 I'm not even jumping. Like, y'all need to be prepared. Y'all know how y'all are. Because y'all don't even like rejection to the men. That's even respectful. U1 35:04 What can I say? Like, how does that look to it? That does heterosexual man who sees his friend get rejected by a woman and he just goes to fuck U2 35:12 off 1s has nothing to do with it U3 35:19 either. 2s Men don't have these laws to hold their friends accountable. Accountability is a big thing, and it starts with the household. And let's be honest, most black men are not held accountable in the household. It's a slap on the wrist. He's just a boy. 1s No. U2 35:40 And then if you're comparing rearing techniques, boys will always be able to stay out later, do more. Girls will always be kept at home. And it's like, for every girl you keep at home, how many girls didn't get kept at home who either escaped? So they're not going out there to be gay, some of them, 1s but there's an audience out there. So wherever it is you're allowing them to go, there's an audience out there. U1 36:06 Learn how to talk to them 2s in general. How are you getting started with, hey, how are you talking U3 36:18 with that? And it's so simple. U1 36:21 And it shouldn't be that big a deal. I say, hey, you say, not interested. I go on about my way. I ain't got to be all these bitches that ain't got to have U3 36:31 when a girl is respectful and say, no, thank you, do not ask, can they have friends? Because that was not your first motive. Let's just that was not your first motive. You wanted to pursue something. U2 36:43 And don't use friendship to try to get in the U3 36:46 because you don't know the definition of a friendship. U1 36:53 My generation ruins. Friends will benefit because we don't know what the fuck that is. We use that term to manipulate U3 37:00 if we want to be specific. U1 37:04 We heard older people use that term and actually use it. U2 37:10 Don't even want to be friends. U1 37:12 Don't want to know me. You talk about your dick in my mouth. That's it. Just not even can we be real? 1s I told you. U3 37:21 I don't know. U2 37:25 It just feels so cheap and so used and so despite the 1s tell U1 37:31 me, when you ask Victor, what are you looking for? They'd be U2 37:34 like I'll U3 37:35 be like, Hannah. U2 37:37 At least you get that. The problem U1 37:39 is, they want the benefit. U3 37:44 First of all, 2s hey, let's be friends. And then we go and hold hands or run off in the sunset. We're not doing that. Being U1 37:52 a friend. Being a friend. U3 37:54 I don't fucking know you. Like, if something was to happen, could you go to my father and be like, hey, something happened to her. Or 3s does U1 38:04 anybody besides me know you? In my world, if nobody besides me knows you, then we're not friends. U2 38:12 Nobody even knows I know U1 38:13 you. Say that again. U2 38:18 I said, if nobody besides me knows you, then you are not my friend. Period. U1 38:29 At U2 38:29 the start of the day, in the middle of the day, on lunch, on break, in the bathroom, when you go to bed, 1s all times of the day, on the day after U3 38:39 the day when you were growing up and your parents needed to know what your friends were, it was a reason why? Because I need to know 1s who you're hanging out with. 3s Glad that all of my friends, all my friends and most of my friends are females. And no, I'm not gay. I have a U1 38:56 small U2 39:02 so there's that. 3s Put your clip back in your boxes. U3 39:16 Probably like food and travel, 3s but 2s you need to know your surroundings. I need to know if something was to happen. We're hanging out whether we're fucking sneaky league or friends with fucking benefits if we go out and you have fucking seafood and I didn't know that she was allergic to that shit. U2 39:34 You fana died U3 39:37 and I have to report to your family. U2 39:40 Have to act like you were sitting at another table and I just happened to be nearby because you fenna be U1 39:46 dead. But usually if they use friends or benefit in today's time, you all won't even get to go. U3 39:53 Which is welcome to me. Because it's like, why can't we go on? Because not only you have a friend, you will have, like, a little friend of benefits type of ordeal. You also have a relationship at home. Let's be honest. What is the reason why we could not go out and hang out? What is the main reason why? U2 40:09 Because my sister got my car, and I got to go get my mama from the store. And then you got to $20 for gas, right? U3 40:23 And there's no not because I get it that people be in financial hardship. Because I'm in financial hardship. But U2 40:28 I've seen broke people on the bus having a good ass time. U3 40:32 When a man be like they try to get all lovey dovey with you at the very beginning, but then they'll tell you, like, there's don't tell you, oh, I want to get your meals done. I want to get this done. I want to do this. I want to take you out. I want to take you out. But then turn around. And then not even to a month of us talking, you're asking me for money. I hate that shit. When I say I hate it with a passion, I made it with a passion, 5s let me know. Okay? So it's a give or take type of ordeal when I think about shit like that. Instead, maybe most men is not like this, but it is. Some of you are out here 4s if you have a motive. 1s Behind. Really wanted to get shit. If you're a fucking homosexual, hobo hobo sexual, 4s try to sweep top these little girls or these run as old as U2 41:33 women 10s to do that. 1s You can't keep inviting them over. U3 41:48 Price goes up, the price goes up. 1s You're in a situation where you have a stable job, you're in school, U1 41:56 and you're going to let a nigga come and take your shit from you. 12s I only got one TV in my mother. You're not leaving anything. U3 42:19 Might even be okay with the fact that oh, shit. Okay, I did forget this bible coming. Get it? U2 42:26 No, I throw it out the window. 2s You left your jacket. Did you get it? All right. U1 42:36 Be U3 42:36 safe. 3s By myself? 1s The bigger the hoop, the closer your God, the closest to God you will be. By U1 42:46 the way, wasn't that a long trip? U2 42:51 That was a long ass drive. Okay. U1 43:12 Which wasn't a no, by the way. I hope you're next thing she didn't say no. She said it didn't need to be used on you. U3 43:20 The luck of the draw. U1 43:23 You were not the lucky candidate. It to be sad. And, no, I am not a serial killer. However. U3 43:30 I will stab you, your average apple if needy to get away. I'm about me 1s in your stomach. You can pull it out and then start running. U2 43:44 I might stab you in the stomach, pull it out and run away with it. U3 43:48 Well, no, I'm talking about the person pulling it out and then running U2 43:50 with it. Oh, no. You won't have a chance. That's my. Good night. I'm not leaving it. That'll be an evidence forever. I got that from target. No, U3 43:58 I got my from Tennessee and it has a hook for U2 44:01 92. And it's blue. I got an axe. I'm going to get a chain saw. You better come to me. Right, U3 44:09 we're ready for the Apostle U2 44:10 cut your ass. U3 44:13 I need the little shield thing that I need money. So that when you press that button it's like a higher steel U2 44:36 couch. I'm chilling with you. Where are we going? They chasing us. They better get on, because you go get. U3 44:51 I try not to use that word. And God is working on me. By the way. I'm going to start calling you all in. 1s I will still refer to you as niggas because I think it fits. 2s It follows the same definition. Those white people tried to use it when they gave it to us. So I'm using it to continue to describe what they meant to describe. They weren't talking about me, but that was definitely talking about you. U2 45:15 I want you to know levels to nigga. That's what I want to say. 2s Negative. 1s The kingdom of niggas, they are levels to it because they want to be kings so bad, but don't know anything about don't do nothing U1 45:30 procedures. We are kings and queens. U2 45:33 My motherfucking song about the black community, and I'm so sorry because I love my people, but, oh, my God, you know what? You're test myself with your U1 45:41 niggas want to have jewelry, but I'm got shit to keep. Fuck. Don't got shit to leave them. Okay, U2 45:48 let's talk about that. 1s Because even if you want to get to the hetero men out here that want to throw Bible in the faith, it talks about in the Bible, gentlemen, by the way, that you're supposed to leave an inheritance for your children. For your children. 1s What do you all U1 46:03 do? 2s What did they do? U2 46:07 They left student loans. U1 46:08 What they leave? Funeral U2 46:10 cost. What they leave? Eight U1 46:12 BTE bills. 2s Confusion, turmoil, U2 46:16 chaos. Parking ticket. Okay, wait a minute. U1 46:19 Irritate U2 46:22 your name because they use your Social Security number, please. U3 46:27 The parents that are using their children, 6s your children's U2 46:35 lives. Your mama did it to you. That don't mean you had to do it to your kids. Not that generational U3 46:39 curse right now. Let's stop it. End it right now. 2s You went through a lot, but that's what therapy is for. And for the people that feel like therapy is a bad thing, it is not. It's not. U1 46:50 I really feel like, speaking from my own experience, I really feel like if I didn't go to therapy one time when I really felt like my life was firing, I genuinely feel like they should not be here today. U3 47:05 That is not biased. So don't go to your family. Even if your family is licensed, U1 47:09 sometimes you really can't go to your family. And I feel like that's why I had to go to therapy, because I really felt like if I 1s some people are really influenced. Like, for me, that is the people please. And at one point, I really like it was because I am family oriented. 1s I wanted to go to my family to see guidance, but a lot of the guidance that they were trying to fill in me was doing nothing but damaging me. 1s You really have to go somewhere that is I don't even know. You being damaged. U3 47:37 Okay? And that's the scary part. Chopping from your damn ankle if you ever try running and you trip over some shit U2 47:44 or nothing at all. 1s How white people be doing clean field? U3 47:57 Honestly, do not do that to your Trinity. And also, if you did not know, I actually just found out maybe like, a year and a half ago. If you're working on building your credit up, if you have decent to good credit, you can put your children on your I mean, if your credit you can make them an authorized account user. That doesn't necessarily mean they have a credit card, but by the time they hit 18, they will have excellent credit. U1 48:20 Read into that. That's another reason why I'm getting my credit up and going on. And I'm not thinking about children, because I am thinking about, okay, if I have children now, what can I leave? Because my mom has mama free. She had everything done to a tee. Her funeral arrangements when my dad passed away, he has a spot already paid for. I believe the casket is already paid for. U3 48:43 She left money there's. No, she made sure, unfortunately, that she was gone. U2 48:49 Because you don't know if crowdfunding is going to be in the future. Okay. Okay. So I know we expect in the community to help us. 4s You don't know if don't fund me and other crowdfunding sources are going to be in the future, so don't count on the generosity of strangers to handle your business. And don't think you're U1 49:07 going to die odors. Don't think they're not going to die U3 49:10 odor. Don't be scared. 1s Don't think now U1 49:15 black people black people who are around white people and think that they're your U2 49:21 friends. If you work at CVS riding fast food establishments, there is a place where you can go, okay, you talk. Please get you some life insurance, even if it's the smallest policy you can afford. U1 49:32 Well, $15 U2 49:35 under $30, $30 get some sort of a policy. Help your family. Do something with your ass when you dead. Every U1 49:43 black man if every black man in America got life insurance, they would stop killing our black asserted they would stop U3 49:49 killing us because they U1 49:50 then that means white people have to pay for every nigga that's on that street. White people have U3 49:55 to stop at it's. It right. They will stop U1 49:59 killing us. Every black man in America got life insurance on the million dollar policy U3 50:04 of police. My God, please 4s get you guys a savings in the checking account. U2 50:20 Go to the credit union. Better interest rate. U3 50:25 Get a credit union. Okay, I'm buying another one. Okay. Get a credit U1 50:29 card. But don't do too much because you're U2 50:31 not fresh after a fucking credit U1 50:32 card. 1s That teaches this shit though. That's what makes me feel irritable about U3 50:37 America want U2 50:39 you to act like this place is meant for you can just do whatever U1 50:43 you want when you can. U2 50:44 You really can't. They can right now in today's time is 2022. That bitches U1 50:49 cannot control. They don't have control over their own vagina. U2 50:57 She's a gado ass bitch. If America was a realized person U1 51:01 will be a white bitch with a blackout. 10s She 4s looking at black people like, you know, this shit is good, 4s but we'll keep the baby away from her, from the black ass father. That's who America is. U3 51:30 They don't even want braids on her baby. U1 51:33 And be trying to be trying to comb that low corset hair. Like just snatch your hair out the roots trying to get it to be bone straight. Taking the baby off into U2 51:43 her family. So all of them give me U1 51:44 braces of fucks to her child. Like why do black people have babies for white people? Why? Just think about it. I'm sorry. I am snapping that now. But I'm just saying think about it. That is the most selfish especially when they know that their family is racist at these fuck. That's the most selfish asset you could do. You're bringing someone into a danger zone U2 52:04 and confusing them because they will never know real blackness and they will never understand real whiteness because, well, that's my mom or that's my dad or those are my grandparents. They will never know. Never just confuse them. They will never know. But I'm saying to the black men who dates white women to choose white women and bash black women to deal with U3 52:23 white women, we're not talking about the ones that still U2 52:26 because I U1 52:28 had to learn my daily so that there are black men I heard who just are with white women but U2 52:31 love them. U1 52:34 There are not U3 52:34 that many, 1s but U2 52:37 they are like two hands, tops. U1 52:43 They are U3 52:43 here. Yeah, we know the difference. U1 52:47 That white girl usually is really down for the car. U2 52:51 She wants more U1 52:52 rights for us than we want U2 52:53 rights. Just true. U3 52:55 She will use her privilege for an event and U1 52:57 she will use her a privilege for us in the middle of a Kroger. She will make sure no, I'm going to wait here until you bring this coupon up for everybody because you look like a slick ass bitch. I'm aware 2s she U2 53:11 loved her a black eyed person. She loved. U3 53:17 If you're going to date outside the race, please have a great modem. Let U2 53:21 it truly be about love. You actually love this person. Doesn't matter who they are. It's not even about their race. They just happen to be in this pasty as body. Because I feel like in some ways, I feel like U1 53:33 when I see interaction U2 53:35 couples 1s when U1 53:37 I finish, but I feel like they they're clothing, in U2 53:40 a way. Look at our integration. Look at U1 53:43 it. We created swirl babies. U3 53:46 Look at it. 1s Like you said, I think it all just needs to be pure intention, especially for the same race relationship. 2s It has to be intentional. Date with dating with the purpose. U1 54:01 I like white bitches this white bitch. Let me know her face, girlfriend. Does that make sense? No. What was that? Was that us? Or was that someplace else? The story about the noktop, U2 54:17 no. Somebody just told us this. I feel like it was U3 54:22 Ivana music. 3s About her friend who was yeah, she wouldn't have sex with them, she would only suck them off if she thought she's going to get something out of that thing and then didn't get it. There are people who will do that. It's not about anything more than U1 54:43 I know, I say. But I want to say there's some people who are used to like being like the U2 54:50 one pack, know what I U3 54:52 mean? And I think that that childhood trauma because some of these people have been doing this for quite some time so they have been like molested or raped or definitely touched it appropriately or had no boundaries or anything put on them. And don't get me wrong, there are some people who are just great at what they do sexually but that didn't just materialize out of nowhere. You had to be a young person with no limits. U1 55:17 Yeah. You're not born without a gag reflex. You develop the absence of a gag reflex because you are training that throat to not gag. At some point in time 2s you have to reconcile the fact that I am only good at this because of all that. Yeah. My parents 2s and I think about that sometimes when I'm specifically on Twitter and I see people and I'm like wait a minute, I want to know about your childhood. I want to know what happened to you because you U2 55:49 are too good at this thing. U3 55:52 In the early twenty s, U1 55:54 you didn't just decide you did that something happened to you. Something happened to you. U2 56:03 Always been straight. They're like expressionless, emotionless about it. They do it because somebody wants it from them, not because they want to do it. And it's like I don't eat because you're hungry, I eat because I'm hungry. I'm sorry, ain't got nothing to do with that. It's sad to see. U1 56:23 I was talking to you. 3s It's a strange thing to see something, to think what's the backstory of it? But that's all across content, you know? Every time you watch a TV show, there's after the show that shows you what happened with the show. We need so much information. But it's a strange thing to see somebody doing something very well and be like U3 56:45 and how do you know? And then being it very well with every person? Because every person is different. 1s You have to know each other's body. Like, I'm not calling you up until the people that feel like, oh, well, I could just fuck just my body. U1 57:13 You could be in the car and say the wrong thing to me. I'm telling you to go home. U2 57:18 It doesn't take much for me. U3 57:23 What's the definite know? Like when you're talking to a guy or when you're talking to somebody who is what is the biggest? U2 57:34 It varies. It could honestly be by the day I am a highly irritable person. I don't even make excuses about that. But some shit for me is unforgivable because I know there's an option to choose better. I know in my mind in the same world, it's an option to choose better. Some people just don't do that. U1 57:56 Trying to think about something. But U2 58:01 I've never been a fan, and this one is not even sexual. I've never been a fan of what you're doing 3s because in my experience, it doesn't actually lead to something. And I'm the type of person, if I ask you what you're doing is usually followed by a plan. I'm not concerned with what you're actively doing. I'm concerned with when you you will or when you are going to be free. So I can monopolize that time. 2s Maybe not even I won't even say what you're doing. Just open ended questions. Because there's never a plan. You just want information. And I don't like just constantly answering that question. Can U1 58:39 I piggyback on what you're saying? And I would like to say also, when someone starts a conversation and they want you to finish it and it's like all you had was the hey, what's up? That was it. And that's all you had. And then you go and nothing else, you get them. Like, U2 58:51 all your answers are one word, one syllable. Here, U1 58:54 I did this today. What about you? Maybe U2 58:56 like, chilling. 1s Oh, my U1 58:59 God. Bitch, I'm done. I stopped next to that. Didn't it be mad? Three question marks. U2 59:07 You did what else? Right? I'm bothering you. Shit. Let me you ain't doing that. I don't like arrogant, U3 59:17 especially for a girl that's very down to earth and very goofy. I cannot do personally. My spirit can't deal with that the whole life. I'm that nigga because I don't feel like I'm that bitch. There are certain times where U2 59:34 I always say, if you think you that nigga, then why are we talking? U3 59:38 Remember I told you about a guy who kind of fabrics Drake, but he's not Drake. He kind of gives Drake, but he's an arrogant. We always hit up. But I've never had Drake food at all. Nothing like that. He always hits me up. U1 59:56 He is U2 60:00 just talk to him. But you have the thing. You know where U1 60:04 to 1s that's the person who will start the conversation and want you to leave. U2 60:10 Okay, so I need to go on a date. Come pick me up. 21s Just the host. Schizophrenic Episode 2s I got some water. Okay. I'm good. 31s Don't just say like, Daddy, 7s but it's such a strange and again, always backstory. All these niggas want to be called daddy and all this other stuff. And it's like you don't even know your father. Like, why you don't even take care of your children. Why is that as a name, a nickname, stuff that you're so focused on? What U1 61:34 do you think of this? Because, you know, I fall victim 85 U2 61:37 Profiles with Daddy And it's just like we use daddy as a sexual U3 61:43 isn't that like a U2 61:43 stomach stage? I mean, sort of, but some people could also U1 61:48 yeah, U2 61:49 but some people also related to 4s pedophilia, 1s the infantilization that happens when you're doing the sex and there is a submissive and a dominant person. That because 1s when you were in BDSM, dominance and submission kind of makes sense. Right? But in just traditional sex, it seems creepy as fuck to me. Yeah, U1 62:22 we're speaking on federal, just in general because it's kind of the same. There's always the lessening of another person and necessarily need you to be weaker than me in any way, shape or form in order to have sex with you. It doesn't have to be like that. And the fact that some people seem normal in their everyday life, but when it comes to sex now they need to enslave basically another person. You need to do exactly what I say. Be available. Don't be smart. Don't be I need you to be a dumb hole. U2 62:53 I don't know how to be a dumb hole. Nobody expect somebody else to be a dumb hole. And it's so unfortunate. But there are people who that's their life. They know this. I don't know this. I once had a U1 63:03 talk tell me he was trying to give me the fuck and he go say like, dang, why are you never ready? All my other bodies are always ready. U2 63:11 Go there. I don't want bitch because I don't fucking live to get fuck the fuck I like to eat. And my body is like the food that I eat the fuck. I like to eat food. I like to live my life. I'm not sitting here waiting, I'm not sitting here serving, waiting to see what's the next day that's going to U1 63:27 be inside of me. I don't care. I U2 63:28 don't give a fuck. U1 63:31 I'm not going U2 63:31 to go down there. Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it. I U1 63:34 really wish I could find a nigga who don't give me fuck about that, which is fucking even. Honestly. Honestly. I wish I could find a U2 63:39 nigga which doesn't excuse the effort to even with me. But should we be surprised and not just you'll be surprised, but should we U1 63:47 be surprised? Because I didn't see U2 63:49 this coming either. U1 63:50 It's just like keep going. U2 63:56 So I wish you could see the dance. 3s I mean, but the same applies to them, because there's still a level of preparation and your bodies can still do things. U3 64:06 It takes a good 45 minutes to an hour for a woman to actually be ready. U2 64:14 Look, U1 64:15 I just want to add U2 64:23 you didn't know it. I didn't know cleaning are you pushing water and U1 64:28 pushing all the nasty? I U3 64:29 don't do obstructions, actually. Okay, U2 64:34 well, I mean, the same could be said. The process of pushing in in order to admit your body has a natural process to push things out of it. So when you do things to rush that process, especially because in women's, cases douches have vinegar in it, which isn't terrible, it's a cleaning thing. But it's for cleaning things, not for cleaning things. So when the U3 64:54 army is supposed to clean down. U1 64:59 For bottom. Do you think shooting whatever your path, pushing the shit U2 65:04 out? Well, I'm going to say for all people, because I don't see that there's a difference. Yes, because you don't expel as much as you put in in pushing something in there, not only are you pushing the water in whatever cleaning thing or fragrant thing you're doing, but you're also pushing air. It's creating gas in the system. That gas met with another gas is going to create an explosion of some sort. So that's where quiffs come from. That's where expelling things you didn't know you were going to expel. 1s The booty hose is creamy is because the booty hose is trying to protect because there's too much abuse going on. That's how booty host and U1 65:40 most y'all don't know. And most of the creaming we see in videos and things like that is because substance is used. Whether that's Vaseline and you see the frost of the oil in the water, that's what you're seeing. But some people are just fascinated by this cream. Shit. Normal U2 65:55 your lactose into. Why you focus? 2s That's gross. That's gross. U1 66:03 You're excited by cream not to be. You're excited not to be. Just like out here like that pretty, uhuh. 2s I want to U2 66:13 say. 1s What about me? It doesn't cream, but it's definitely slimy. What U1 66:20 does slimy? Does that make it sound gross? U2 66:23 He didn't want to be gross. I just wanted you guys to catch it. He did not. When you think of Slime, what do you think of? I know what you're talking about, but U1 66:33 you talk U3 66:34 to me. I knew that. I thought about that too. U1 66:51 My favorite one. Who is that? U3 67:07 You U2 67:07 kiss the girl bitch U1 67:19 when they did hurt bitch, it was planned. It was set up. U2 67:23 You're not going to embarrass the queen, okay? For your little last show. I don't give a fuck about your little note. U1 67:33 She went U2 67:35 it could have been CG, actually. She could have been in front of blue green skin and they dropped it over there over a mannequin. 4s You got me U3 67:52 fucking trying because that shit is fucking broke back. U2 67:57 Those nasty ass shit. Fucking wet Willies digging up your motherfucking nose. Fucking slime. That was a lot. That was a lot on Nickelodeon. I can do with U3 68:08 Disney and cartoon. We know what U1 68:10 you did. We know what you did U2 68:11 to Amanda. Amanda, U1 68:13 please. U2 68:17 But that's what she worried about. We know what you did to soley one on one. Jamie Lee. You don't U3 68:23 get a name of what she did to U2 68:24 Britney. Right? Fuck her. 2s We know what you did to soley one on one. 4s I'm sorry. 2s Conspiracy. U3 68:43 That's just fucking gross. U2 68:47 Okay, 2s we'll be right back with these musical break. 5s I'm just going to leave around it. U1 69:03 How do you feel about 2s this? After show 50s the same word U2 70:00 integrated schools. U3 70:03 But U2 70:04 you get that it could be a boy who's always been around black U1 70:08 people whose entire life that one whitehold I want to put out. And not even love and love, but it's because of integrated schools. If we weren't in schools with them, we know nothing about what they did. And as far as interest in association, it wouldn't be easy. But we play on sports teams with white people. We hang out with them. Their moms might give rise. We end up over their house. You see their sister and their relatives. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. You've seen that movie. That TV episode is going to happen. Love at first sight. I see this white bitch. She I am me. All the what I know about black women at home, they don't do this. They don't interact with me this way. You do. So oh, yeah. One time. Are we together forever? We got a terrible baby. Together forever. My baby got pretty here. Together forever. We got beautiful ass together. 5s I feel like, U2 71:00 what? And then they never have, like, a good reason for it. If it's truly love that was your high school sweetheart or whatever, blah, blah, blah. We still goes back to integration, but still because I like to just think about the possibilities. What if? 2s Back when we everything we have was black. 1s Our educators and doctors and everything went through, the challenges they went through, but they still figured out how to become doctors and lawyers and teachers. They had to sit in the back of the classroom in the corner. They still got the information. U1 71:34 Black people were trying to do things and be on their own. America came and fucked U2 71:38 it up, but if they if they hadn't fucked it up and I mean, like every single time rosewood, black Wall Street. If it was allowed to be left alone, where we would be right now? U1 71:51 I think we'll be driving. White people would be the U2 71:53 niggas in the country. We'd be fucking misconduct. We would be unstoppable. White U1 71:57 people would be the niggas in the country. They will be the parietus in the country. U2 72:01 But that's still coming anyway because of time. Because white people aren't producing as much. And U1 72:05 they keep fucking us. They keep having babies with us. Maybe we need this. U2 72:09 Maybe just this is because I think U1 72:12 I'll be thinking like, when I'm 50, what is the politics gonna be like? You know what I mean? Because it's going to be hella. You know, they say, like, by 2040, most people are going to be U2 72:22 interaction. Yeah, so I'm gonna hold out. I'm not gonna be just so depressed. Like 2s that's only international, right, U3 72:32 that I'm going to U2 72:33 get. I would be willing to go Middle Eastern, but if you're talking white, no dice. I'm not going to be able to do it. I like to eat. I'm not eating mayonnaise. U3 72:45 Mayonnaise. 1s I like herbalit. U1 72:50 I don't either. U2 73:00 The dick in the bar, U1 73:01 right inside the U2 73:03 dick. Does that make sense? I don't know that first hand, but I don't even watch when I go and view pornhub or whatever it is that I choose to watch. U1 73:14 I'm okay. U2 73:15 I'm a twitter. 2s I want U1 73:18 amateur, please. Musky, please. Mr. Musk, please. Not my Twitter. Please. I already hear your little white hole friends are your U2 73:29 brother's blitz in this U1 73:31 one. U2 73:34 Thank me. They have an option. You can check the box to hide all of that media. So just check the box, baby. 3s Because I like, free, and I like the creativity and the innovation, and that's why I go back to that's why I go back. You're doing this on your phone? I love this. How could you all really sit here and tell another bitch U1 73:55 when you have a church? This U2 73:58 bitch broke is deep up. Are you not going to put U1 74:00 money in her pocket to take care of this baby? U2 74:05 Stop dressing like a Fluzie. You won't get raped. Then you won't have a baby. That's how you fix it. That's how you fix U1 74:13 it. Put U2 74:15 on a full body sweatsuit that doesn't say Juicy across the ass and you're going to be okay. Why are we leaving? 1s I want to move. This has been nice. I didn't pick it, but I get it. America. And I just wanted get out of here. 1s Yeah. 6s They have international calling plans. I make no promises. Keep in touch, but I can't take it with you. That might not be that might not be your goal. That might not be the move for you, 3s because I'm going to be U3 74:57 doing now U1 74:58 I'm just preparing for the future when everything is overcome by everything else. I want to be, in theory. The rest of the world is talking to U2 75:05 that girl. 1s The rest of the world is that girl. Yeah. U1 75:12 Look at our national food chain. We were just talking about this. The national food chain. We sell trash. Here you U2 75:19 go. Literally any other country U1 75:21 what is it? Diet Red 49 U2 75:23 or something like that? That literally is known to cause cancer. What? America's stupid ass to double up on it. They put it in everything they want. You could be drinking 2s white milk. Red die in it. Back to, like, interesting U1 75:40 data. That right there be bother me how U2 75:42 blackmaker relates to people, white people, 2s when U1 75:46 the cut oh, U2 75:47 you know who irritated me? Kamala. U1 75:50 Kamala irritated upper car. U2 75:59 She has to toe the line for all of the people because they're trying to be reelected or she's trying to run for herself, and she's married to a white man. Not that that should mean anything, but it does for me 2s because I'm certain they found love. But, you know, it's a business transaction. They won't let us have a black leader that looks like a black person U1 76:22 ship on Obama because Obama is the blackest we have ever got. I mean, he just got points because his wife was black and he was in Chicago. So he knows how to play basketball, and he might have a business. He plays and he smoked that cigarette. U2 76:36 He smoked that. And he'd be U1 76:38 giving us some Sunday suits. Do U2 76:40 not play. That is true. That's a black man. That is true. U1 76:43 That's a black man. 2s That's the blackest we'll ever get. But I want to 3s black ass 1s black man who is nothing but all about black U2 76:57 horses and black trends. Know all the hip hop that he can know. Don't be smoothing up. He might U1 77:04 be here a little nicer white people, but he and U2 77:05 all that. But yeah, U1 77:07 okay. Karen. Show U2 77:09 necessary. Nice. If it isn't necessary, U1 77:13 unless you U2 77:13 deserve, I'm cordial with it. U1 77:15 I'm not going to be sitting here making plans for white people. For what? 2s The inner city neighborhoods U2 77:22 are so fucked up. So U1 77:24 what are we talking about? No, I'm not going to create it as U2 77:26 a fucking whole food. For what? For what? 1s What are they doing for in a neighborhood that already have five of the Whole Foods? For what U1 77:36 options? The world we live in. U2 77:40 It's definitely an acquired taste. 5s What country? 6s I want to be like those ladies I met on that last cruise that went on. All they do is hop off one ship and get on another ship. I don't want to have a specific residency. Give me a PO box at the post office. 1s I'm not going to have any bills. I'm not going to be connected to tangible things. When I need something, I go get it, I use it, and I'm done. Then I'm back on a fucking ship visiting and just docking everywhere in the world. I want to see the entire U1 78:23 world. U2 78:27 And then when it's over with a got to worry. Leave me where you found me. Well, this is on the ship, but if I'm on the beaches up there, just leave me right there. U1 78:37 They don't even matter because you put me in the ground with a headphone. That's stupid. 2s The bugs don't have to find me. Just leave me where I'm at. That doesn't make any sense. But no, I just want to travel. That's it. I just want to trap full, eat good U3 78:56 fresh and see the world. U2 79:01 It makes a difference. U1 79:03 Even outside the country isn't big differences. Even though I have most Americanized food, it tastes different. Just like the way that they stay right there. There's zucchini and squash. No fucking type of seasonal on that shit. And I was fucking that shit up every time. U3 79:24 I have pork chops out there. The freshest shit I had, I was able to cut their shit with a fucking butter knife. That sounds good, right? U1 79:33 If you think it's a weird thing, in America, we're more focused on quantity and quality. U2 79:39 You know what I mean? But if you let groups like the FDA tell you, like, our stuff is U1 79:43 good, right? U2 79:45 But they you know, I allow arsenic, percentage of arsenic to exist. You still have the dyes and all that other stuff, and it's like, what is the purpose? There's no other way to color something without using this. U1 79:56 Die. U2 79:58 Can't it just be you could say it's cheer. It could be clear as fuck. I don't care. It doesn't need to be read. For me, U3 80:04 bringing that pool, a clear pool, a mystery pool, U2 80:07 a and having a good time U3 80:10 and, like, even U1 80:10 the technique analogy from skittles, like, they all taste the same, but they smell different. Fool me. Please U2 80:17 don't kill me. Just fool me. You don't have to do that U1 80:25 shit. U2 80:29 You know what they do? U1 80:42 That was kind of my thing. I smelled everything I ate U2 80:45 because that was part of the thing. U3 80:49 I wasn't really but there were some things that I'm a cake girl. Yeah, U2 80:56 that's what I was going to say. We were talking about homemade stuff. 1s Like if and when I cook something, it is like truly from scratch. Because I know the difference. Which surprises me when I eat out at other places because it is not home cooked. And I act like I really be liking that shit. 8s I get fat eating trash not thinking about it. Like, no, this doesn't even taste that good. 4s It is. U1 81:32 McDonald's is 2s white neighborhood. U2 81:38 The process the same. So it's all coming out of a bag or a U1 81:42 box. McDonald's. It'll be a brighter day when America U2 81:46 lets go when U1 81:48 America lets go of the hope that McDonald's has on it U2 81:52 or just the fast food. Because that convenience comes at a price. It does. The best shit will stay in your stomach forever. Did you see the story about the people who were doing renovations on their bathroom, I think, and they opened the wall, and there was a whole McDonald's meal in the wall that you could still tell these were fries. This is the burger. This is the whatever. 6s They literally didn't even, like decade on us or not enough, given the time, because it had been like tens of years. So this was good. Maybe I'm going to say 2030 years or something like that. And they were just like, yeah, I'm still a fried. No, you're not. They literally U1 82:29 allow this to happen. They literally allow us U3 82:32 to at one point U2 82:37 in the beginning 1s with that movie, The Founder, I think. The founder with Michael Keaton. They talk about that. U3 82:47 Because the original people who owned McDonald's, their company was stolen from them by, I think his name was Ray Kruger, who turned it into McDonald's. And instead of making shakes using real ingredients, that's when it turned to powder. Instead of using real meat for the patties, they use meat. But it's a concoction 2s in order to cut costs, to increase profits. And the original original brothers, I think up until the point that movie came out, or maybe a little bit earlier than that, was still operating their loan. Original McDonald's doing everything fresh. 2s Where U1 83:22 is that? Don't take a trip U2 83:25 to the original. I forget. I got to look it up again. 2s If it's still on, 1s I really can't remember. But I really like the movie because I didn't know that as much as they tell you about the 1 billion and 1 billion. U1 83:42 Go ahead. Because that was a good movie. But, yeah, I like cooking. 2s I see why the good old days had a bread winner and a home keeper. Because it was necessary. You know how long it takes to cook a meal from scratch? Rat that I'm not getting off work doing this. We throwing all this motherfucking shit in the microwave and you're going to eat his pipe and hot pot. U2 84:14 Because even when I make my lasagna, that has to be a quiet day. And now with the girls, like, they have to be in the basement. 1s That's where U1 84:23 it started. At San Bernardino. San san Bernardino, California. California. No, I didn't know that. I didn't remember that. Rather. U2 84:34 Did it say what year starting? Seven. That's when it started. When did it stop? U1 85:05 Started in they started in the 30s with the McDonald's franchise. Like didn't happen to 53. U2 85:12 Well, when does and I forget the brother's names, U1 85:18 but it's it's it's two brothers. Because Ray Kruger came in with the McDonald's Corporation and took it from them. But they still own the there U2 85:29 you go. 2s They continued their store for a period of time. I just don't remember when it was. No, U1 85:35 thank you. U3 85:48 You'd hear a notification if they were in the house. U1 86:00 That all feel U2 86:01 right. 3s They didn't get that drop until the U1 86:13 name is Richard and U2 86:14 Morris. Yeah. U1 86:25 Okay. 3s Because they had only updated the McDonald's website to include the story of the McDonald's brothers after the fact. U2 86:35 Before that they didn't speak about them at all. 4s It was 2s because they did walk up U1 86:49 on my U2 86:50 because maybe you're supposed to date a whiteboard. That is not the plan. God has me every time I have tried to date outside of my race with the exception of the middle Eastern community. I thank you all because I love you all very much. It has not gone well. U1 87:06 I U2 87:06 think you can U1 87:08 I'm not going to be fan like watering down myself. I don't U2 87:12 think you would. You think he is love every part of in black and phil. He got to be a down ass white boy. He got to be a down ass white boy. U1 87:20 Down as fuck. Like. U2 87:23 Slightly hate himself U1 87:24 for what his people have done to mine. That's the type of what I need. I think, given your personality and energy, I don't know if he would be down as much as he would be 2s what's the word? U2 87:39 Like non combativism, what I'm trying to say, like, he'll just be like 2s it won't bother him. He'll be be 2s cared for. Right. 6s He'll be present. That's not the word I'm thinking of. 1s He's not going to make me feel bad U1 88:04 about 7s it. U2 88:13 And I think that's just exposure. 3s However you developed your view of the world, 1s whether it was through trash TV or books or whatever, I'm like, because of that experience, like, this is you, right? And then this is niggas U1 88:32 they don't have U2 88:33 so they can't do anything with what you're trying to do. It's that they have to sit here and be here U1 88:39 to entitle. They really U2 88:40 feel that way. Some niggas are perfectly okay with being on the block forever. If the grocery store closes and the liquor store closes and whatever happens to be in the neighborhood closes, maybe then they'll go someplace. But other than that. 1s The block is it for them. See, for me, the block is not. It U1 89:03 all shit up in this at all. U2 89:06 You tear it down more than you build it up U1 89:09 there. Fight each other. Fucking street that U2 89:11 you own. No U3 89:12 property 10s still, those street signs and shit, and they have that in their house. U1 89:27 My brother U2 89:31 well, in my case, I didn't take it from the street and somebody else had taken it from the street, and I took it from them 1s because I'm a thief. 3s It wasn't a Detroit. Where did he live? U1 89:49 He would have got like a seven mile three time or something. Or, U3 89:52 like, crash. U1 89:56 I'm trying to remember where the fuck that was. 10s What were the historical street people like years ago? When we were high school? People was like, filling no U2 90:15 funds and people 1s it depends on what year it was. What year were you all in high school? U1 90:23 We graduated. 7s That's when I remember they were filling no sign. 2s Maybe because this was like 2012, 2013, when I took the sign from them. Part of that tree. U2 90:45 I didn't get it from the street, I took it from somebody's house. U1 90:50 They were filling 3s their U2 90:55 phones. I can't get to where I need to be because you don't take the shit 3s to a point when you get down there by Birmingham and the shit split, you might get lost. Yeah, U3 91:10 I will. Don't let it be nice. U1 91:12 When you start on the tutorial, U2 91:15 it changes. Wolver becomes a fucking freeway for like, three minutes. U3 91:26 There it is. That's a fucking mistake. U1 91:39 I just want to be successful. 3s To me, all my bills paid and I got a hell of money after to do whatever I want to do. U2 91:52 I'm going to get this score. I'm going to get this trust. I will pay no, bill. The escort and the trust will pay bill. What is this? What are these? Educated, U1 92:06 right? Institutional tools. So you start an LLC and have the score from the LLC and have a trust run the score that runs the LLC. So as far as tax, liability and anything, nothing is beholden to you, beholden to these organizations. That's a way to keep your money. Way to keep your money. Also to reduce the tax burden that your money will hold. Because right now you pay like, I think it's like 42%. U2 92:39 Yes. But there's a video of U1 92:44 I always laugh when I say his name, waka Flocka. 3s Why do you pay U3 92:51 it? Because that's what it looks like. U2 92:58 But there's a video of him talking about it. And it doesn't matter, like, how much money you have, but that's a good way to keep the majority, if not all of your money, you remove it from the burden of being taxed. U1 93:12 Yes. U2 93:22 And in turn, an LLC. U1 93:25 You get that on the same page U2 93:32 from Laura? Yes, 1s but two separate things. 2s No, the sales tax idea is however much it costs, the LLC is a cost. If you're going to do an S Corp, that U1 93:48 might cost my cost. And definitely when you get to the point of doing a trust, it will. But you can wait to do the trust when you have more money, U2 93:59 because even with the LLC, you can have the LLC. I haven't done it yet. But have the LLC. See? Collect your U1 94:05 checks. So it's not you. The company got paid for work. You did the work. But the company got paid because of the work you do. And the company can pay you 1s it's. U2 94:17 But yes, it's all a big fucking shell game 2s that you just have to know the right people and ask the right questions. Figure out America U1 94:26 was a giant damn belong. Oh, yeah. You got to remember all of this started just as somebody was mad at the king. They decided to come over here and start a new civilization. And they didn't want to follow any of those rules. So then they made their own rules and the rules of the fucking thing. 1s You're still taxing people. You're still telling people what they can and can't do. And then it's marketing. We decided that this was the land of the free. U2 94:51 You needed slaves to start it. But this 2s is the land of the free. But you need a slave and the home of the brave. You go to other people's countries and you bomb and kill them and kill them in the name of diplomacy. But this still all U1 95:05 that shit. But this is the greatest U2 95:07 question. Is the land of the free and the home of the brave? Sounds like some broke, treacherous ass cowards. But what do I know? Merely doing it. U1 95:17 Do you see what's going on right now? January 6. U2 95:22 It's white people trying to convince other white people because not that many people of color are in the government. But it's white people trying to convince other white people that that wasn't what it was. They can do this for years like a donut. U1 95:41 I'm sorry. U2 95:43 Come on. Sky. Daddy. Mane. I get it. 3s She left her knife out of town and mine is downstairs. We edgy with some stuff. 2s I very much have faith, and I very much 2s believe in God and a higher power and all of that, but there are questions that I have, and not even around slavery. I would just move that off the U1 96:09 table. Right. Because how do we know it's U2 96:11 a God? Well, I would argue that 2s that is a good question. 1s She's scratching her foot. She's thinking about Joe. U1 96:36 That's the truth. U2 96:37 A lot of them hateful, and then I think God is definitely a tool of inspiration. 1s It's not an answer, guys. U1 96:49 Because that sounds like the odd but I don't know U2 96:51 but it's definitely a tool of inspiration. But I also think in the wrong hands it's a tool for obedience. Because if I can get you to follow a set of rules or a way to be when it's time to enact laws and pass other things, you'll do that too because it feels all the same. But I think it is is a tool of inspiration. When you are in a bad mood, here are words that can readjust how you think about something right? And if you readjust how you think about it, you're more inclined to accomplish whatever the task is so you won't be lazy. If you have some sort of a routine and if reading these words creates a routine in you then things may become easier or your outlook on things becomes easier. It doesn't change the situation. Do you U1 97:39 think God is married? That women have abortions? U2 97:41 I don't think so. Because if I'm to use the rule in the Bible of free will that is a choice that you have. U1 97:49 Say one more time 2s free will is what? Free will is the underwriting of the whole text of the Bible. He only really gave ten things I really want you to Do. 3s Homosexuality, U2 98:05 abortion. They need to make it on ten commands U1 98:10 women that they can't afford their rape. Well, one can argue the do not kill your brother, although it's more specific when you read the full text. But one could argue that but in this particular case, if there's a rationale U2 98:23 and I'm just rape is the most specific one. But if there's a rationale now where you did not take part in the act of the thing that you are killing, it seems irresponsible to 2s outlaw abortion but not provide support so you can't kill the baby. You have to keep the baby 1s on your own. U1 98:46 Goodbye. I know you're a broken ass bitch. Get out. My gap there should be something it only seems get out. Felicia but I believe, 2s and I definitely have questions that I know there will never be answers to, because it's like the Bible is a singular book. People have been reading from a teacher, from the single book for eons. Right? But there are still questions because the book doesn't answer all questions. So it's a tool for inspiration. It is to inspire what is the root of whatever it is you're talking about. Now, the Bible definitely speaks to the root of things. Maybe not the specific issue, but what is it closest to, and that will provide you with some enlightenment, some inspiration, so you can figure it out. But it is up to you to figure it out. U2 99:30 And you can't expect there to be some sky daddy who recognizes and acknowledges all people and all things and has a solution for all people and all things. No, I need something that can apply to anybody. So you have a book that gives you very general understanding of people and interactions and occurrences and what you could do. I was talking to my aunt about the abortion support. 1s She's religious. U1 99:55 She will cut you out. Living with. 3s When we was having this conversation U2 100:01 about abortion, I really thought her reaction to it, I really was a shocker. She told me she disagrees with some outlawing U1 100:11 abortion, she's religious and be fucked. Like she will be at the panel somewhere. We don't need abortion. But she really surprised me. And she tells me that there are stories in the book about how God aborted babies. U2 100:22 Yes, and even almost half ad parents kill their children who were not even fetuses. These were adult. These were live, Oddler, infant ass kids. 2s But you got to remember, Christianity has become militarized. U1 100:41 The only reason, the only literal reason of why we're getting rid of abortion is because GoDaddy told me not to do. Do you understand? U2 100:49 But it's militarized what we're hearing from us, from extreme extremist Christians who love the Lord so much they're going to do everything he asked us not to do. U1 101:01 But I'm saying but those same people will forget all the things that go on in the Bible that contradicts how they believe. U2 101:08 Yes, they're very selective. They're selective. U3 101:10 That'd be fun. But yeah, but the Bible has both sides of a number of issues and it's like whatever verse I read that day applies. U1 101:19 I wanted to ask people on U3 101:21 the Bible to be honest. It might be because it's murderers and U1 101:26 God uses people with some sort of I don't want to use, say, affliction, but 1s he's not using Christians. God doesn't use any Christians in the book. He converts people to Christianity, but he doesn't use it. Like I said, U3 101:43 people go to realize where they come from and I think I thought I'll pass them at the Transformation Check. And he calls people out. When I say call him out, he calls them out. I'm not playing. Transformation Check is really transformation like, he talks about his transparency. I was this, I was this. It ain't God's Jewel. God can use anybody. Like music can use anybody. And he's not like professional. It's not profession, but it's progression. Okay, so he used that a lot, too. So I hate and I get what you're saying. I feel like a lot of people get turned off with Christianity because they feel like, oh, well, 2s they tell you the Bible says we want you to be Christ like a God. Like, but you can never be God. U1 102:32 You could never be God. U3 102:34 You can never be God. U2 102:37 Shouldn't even want to. That just seems like a lot of work. I'm only concerned with me. But I think there are lots of things but you also have to remember, the Bible is not a book written by God or even by Jesus. It's written by man. So the current cane of the scripture that we have is missing books. 1s And, like, the original text, I think that was Athenacious in 1696. This has more books than that U1 103:02 actually say in the Bible. That homosexuality. U2 103:10 Why do you need the book to say that? U1 103:13 Yes, I get what you're saying, but I'm feeling like me, Julie, me before I ever read the Bible with nothing. And I'm always supposed to say I always felt I never felt bad U3 103:21 about it. People make U1 103:22 me feel bad for it because that's what society that's U2 103:27 why why do you let them dictate how you feel U1 103:29 about 1s but I'm saying but imagine if everybody who felt that way realized I'm not no, no, but imagine if everybody who felt that way realized that they do not have to feel that way. I can put food in front of you. I can even put it to your mouth. I can even put it in your mouth. It's up to U2 103:48 you to chew. It's up to you to swallow. U1 103:51 He's gay. U2 103:55 Do you U3 103:55 get what I'm saying? 2s I'm U1 103:59 sorry. 2s You can be out of U2 104:02 glory. Hall dick in your face. 2s He cried so hard. I wish I could see his face. That dick was just injured in his throat, and he was like 7s but I'm saying a lot of this. I think the the Bible is a great tool for getting your mind right, and it's not even it's definitely believing and being able to confess, but it's really about the choice of believing, U1 104:30 believe. It U2 104:32 just like the generic lessons that the Bible U1 104:36 whatever I want to do, I believe that I could do U2 104:39 that. Well, no, even with the text of the Scripture, the Scripture does not U1 104:44 punify. It doesn't man uses the Scripture to make you feel bad about something. U2 104:52 The Scripture does not do that. It U1 104:54 really does not say and that's a book of stories that people who were there wrote, right? So somebody just writing, hey, today Jesus walked on water. Man, that shit was wild. That's what you're reading. You're reading a diary. U2 105:09 To be honest with you, when you hear 2s there are certain portions in there, but if you pull out all of the stuff that you actually heard Jesus or God say, it'd be this thing. It'd U3 105:20 be a pamphlet. U2 105:23 They tell you all the book names, 1s and it'll tell you, like, John the Baptist wrote this U1 105:31 after the human life. It might be it's under ten people that wrote that book that contributed chapters to what it became. But one, that's not the whole book. And then two, what good is? Well, not even what good is, but how accurate is a book that cuts short or is missing chapters? So Cinderella is dead without every 36 and back. 1s You get to the coronation and don't, nothing else happens. You just left wondering, well, what else? That's where a lot of agnostic people and other people are. U2 106:03 I use the media that we just read, but it's just you know, U1 106:07 I forget the lady name. I think it's U2 106:08 like caitlin. Caitlin. Caitlin something. You wrote a good one, girl. I'm going to read your other one in the mail. U1 106:18 Robert, I don't think I'm going to finish this book. I'm not even going to lie. It's kind of a flop. It's the way the lady is reading it. U2 106:25 You don't want to get the actual book and just read it yourself and see if that makes a difference? I'm unwilling to do that. I'm going to just let this dryass voice U1 106:34 you've been listening to it. So she's right. Fuck U2 106:36 right. Actually, I've heard it on oh my gosh, she's so fucking dry. I got to catch up. I'm really behind. U1 106:43 Maybe that's what made me like Jake Livingston a lot and maybe like Cinderella did U2 106:46 a lot because there's a lot going on. Even even subtle changes between the characters. You can hear something. 6s From China. Lives in China her entire life. Laquanda is from Detroit and she lives in Detroit her entire life. She's speaking at what was the first person name? I said U1 107:08 Jesus. U3 107:10 Hey, I'm Gisha. How are you? Laquana sound like this. Hi, I'm Lewanda. How are you? 3s It's all a blur. I just don't know what U1 107:20 it's going the book we're talking about is called the Spinal Girl Support Group. I thought that sounds good as fuck, but 2s I just can't get into it because the lady who's reading the audiobook, it's really just distracting. U2 107:35 Yeah, I am going to read it. I have it, I just haven't read it U1 107:39 yet. U3 107:43 This is by down next to come back home. U2 107:51 Thank you U1 107:52 for tuning in to So Food. I hope you enjoyed the food now. Bye.