LOL Delayed Apology Summary We're sorry for the delay in releasing new episodes, but we're changing things up for the next season and we hope you'll stick with us. We're bringing on amazing guests and releasing new episodes once a month. Transcription Hey, you. We owe you an apology. A really big one. We know that you've been waiting patiently for our new episode, and we've really dropped the ball. We're sorry, truly. To be honest, we've had a rough time putting together the latest season. We've hit a few bumps in the road that have caused significant delays. But we're not here to make excuses. We're here to make things right. So here's the deal. We're changing things up for the next season. We're going to release new episodes once a month. But trust us when we say they'll be worth the wait. We're putting in the extra time and effort to make each episode as entertaining and informative as possible. Plus, we're bringing on some amazing guests that we know you'll love. Now, we understand that you might be disappointed with this news, but we hope you'll stick with us and continue to support our little podcast. We promise to keep things entertaining. As always, thank you for being patient with us. We truly appreciate each and every one of you. We can't wait to bring you the new season. Seriously this time.